
時間|2023/05/26 (五) 下午 13:00-15:00
地點|藝術大樓 跨藝所 5317 教室


花崎草(1987~),於2012年取得東京藝術大學跨媒體藝術碩士學位。主要從事行為藝術, 活躍於高円寺(素人之乱所在地)、下北澤、新宿等年輕人聚集的地帶。
她的創作希望緩和人類生活環境所塑造之價值觀,以及展望更美好的人類社會系統。近期的表演包括《蚊帳の外》(台北市立美術館,台灣,2015年),《女性之路》(M.F.Husain美術館,印度,2014年),《趨光效應》(孵化空間,英國,2012年)。近年來的個展則包括「花崎草:2007-2012作品展」(Art and Exhibition place,台灣, 2013)、「英國藝術行動」(素人の乱12号店,東京,2012年)。2009年榮獲東京驚奇站實驗聲音與藝術節之鼓勵獎。
HANASAKI Kaya born in Tokyo. She is currently based in Japan and other Asian countries. Hanasaki is a performance artist who also works on various mediums including projects, workshops, installations, video works, and more others. Hanasaki takes her own view of social, political, and cultural issues, which all have a profound influence upon her to live in contemporary society. She reflects her thoughts to these issues in her works and activities. In 2012, She graduated from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts with an M.F.A. In 2017, she was one of the founders of the cultural space ‘Ivy Palace’ in Taipei and managed it till 2019. The solo exhibition includes ‘My home, Our treasure’, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei (2016), and her work has been included in group exhibitions such as ‘You (We) are Beautiful!’, Shinokubo UGO (2020), ‘Exposing the bushes’, TOKAS Hongo (2020).


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